Lesson Plan
Mississippi Occupational Diploma
Career Preparation/Special Education/Eleventh Grade
Code 11C22 Content Standard E. Working with Others
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, & 8
Standards 1, 2, 3, & 4
Education Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Education Competencies Vocational Skills & Writing
Objective: To identify actions that help a worker keep a job; to explain how a company’s human
resource department helps workers; to identify steps to follow resolving a conflict.
Skills: Discuss some functions of the human resource department; reading practices; complete lesson
Procedure: The teacher will present vocabularies by writing the words conflict and resolve on the
board. The students will be paired to identify synonyms for each word, then the teacher will allow them to share answers with
the class.
Sets: The teacher will present the lesson objectives and a conflict. The students
will be invited to brainstorm a list of possible solutions to this problem. All ideas will be recorded on the board. The list
will be reviewed to identify solutions and allow students practice in recognizing that a compromise is often the best way
to solve a conflict.
Modeling: The teacher will engage the students in the learning process by reading passages from the
text book and giving examples.
Practice: The students will read with guidance, passages from the lesson.
Practice: The teacher will ask students to complete the lesson review questions
and an activity sheet. They will then watch a video on resolving conflicts.
for Understanding: Work samples
Lesson review orally
Technology: Short video on resolving conflicts; TV; VCR
Intervention: Peer pairing
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All answers are clearly stated.
All answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
Some answers are in complete sentences.
Some answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
No answers are in complete sentences.
No answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
The students
will obtain a maximum score of 3 on the lesson review questions and the worksheet. The teacher will re-teach for scores that
are below 3.
Lesson Plan
Code 11C22 Content Standard E. Working with Others
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, & 10
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
Education Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Education Competencies Vocational Skills & Writing
Objective: To explain how good communication skills help resolve a conflict.
Skills: Construct a job related poster; reading practices; make a collage portrait of people communicating
in a healthy way; complete lesson review.
Procedure: The teacher will introduce the objectives. Students will define new terms.
Sets: The teacher will elicit the discussion on communication skills and body
language. Students will complete a worksheet and complete the lesson review questions at the end of the unit.
The teacher will model various body gestures, and then ask students to get
into groups and hold conversations. They will identify each other’s different body movement messages with gestures.
Examples will be given.
Practice: The teacher will discuss the passages from the textbook with the
students. The students will answer the lesson review questions verbally with the teacher’s assistance.
Practice: The students will complete a worksheet pertaining to identifying
body language. They will watch a video pertaining to body language.
for Understanding: Oral responses.
Technology: Body language video; TV; VCR
Small group activity.
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All answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
Some answers are in complete sentences.
Some answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
No answers are in complete sentences.
No answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
The students
will obtain a maximum score of 3 on the lesson review questions and the worksheet. The teacher will re-teach for scores that
are below 3.
Lesson Plan
Code 11C22 Content Standard F. Meeting Demands for Quality Work
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4 & 6
Education Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Education Competencies Vocational Skills & Writing
Objective: To identify traits of a responsible worker.
Skills: The students will read about how to be a responsible worker, define new terms, complete
the lesson review activity and complete an activity sheet.
Procedure: The teacher will introduce the lesson objectives.
Sets: The students will read about traits of a responsible worker and be encouraged
to take notes.
The teacher will initiate discussion on how to build work relationships and
give suggestions.
Practice: The teacher will read the passages aloud with the students.
Practice: The students will define new terms using electronic dictionaries
and then complete the lesson review questions in their textbook. They will complete an activity sheet on how to belong to
a team.
for Understanding: Observations; work samples.
Summary of the lesson
Technology: Electronic dictionaries.
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All answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
Some answers are in complete sentences.
Some answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
No answers are in complete sentences.
No answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
The students
will obtain a maximum score of 3 on the lesson review questions and the worksheet. The teacher will re-teach for scores that
are below 3.
Lesson Plan
Code 11C22 Content Standard E. Working with Others
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
Education Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Education Competencies Vocational Skills & Writing
Objective: To explain ways of coping with negative peer pressure.
Skills: The students will define “peer pressure”, discuss conflicting relationships,
practice writing about peer pressure experiences, do a skit, complete the lesson review, and complete an activity sheet.
Procedure: The teacher will introduce the lesson objective and review the previous lesson.
Sets: Students will write about their experiences with peer pressure.
Modeling: The teacher will allow discuss positive and negative peer pressure, and then allow the
students to share what they wrote about conflicting relationships. The teacher will give suggestions and allow students to
offer suggestions for remedy to certain conflicts or negative peer pressure.
Practice: The students will participate in skits on peer pressure situations.
They will include job related problems in violation of policy.
Practice: The students will complete the lesson review questions and an activity
sheet pertaining to how to handle peer pressure. They will watch a video on peer pressure.
for Understanding: Oral responses; work samples.
Closure: Summary of peer pressure.
Technology: Video on peer pressure; TV; VCR
Intervention: Peer pairing; grouping.
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All answers are in complete sentences.
All answers are clearly stated.
All answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
Some answers are in complete sentences.
Some answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
No answers are in complete sentences.
No answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
The students
will obtain a maximum score of 3 on the lesson review questions and the worksheet. The teacher will re-teach for scores that
are below 3.
Lesson Plan
Code 11C22 Content Standard E. Working with Others
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, & 6
Special Education Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Education Competencies Vocational Skills & Writing
Objective: To describe discrimination; to explain ways of finding help when faced with discrimination
in the workplace.
Skills: The teacher will read and discuss articles on discrimination, define vocabulary terms,
complete a question/answer/response (QAR) activity with the students. Students will complete the lesson review questions and
an activity sheet. They will answer question from video on discrimination.
Procedure: The teacher will introduce the objectives. The students will race to create words from
the word discrimination.
Sets: The students will take turns reading from the textbook about discrimination.
Modeling: The teacher will present examples of situations involving discrimination. A video on discrimination
will be viewed.
Practice: The students will complete the lesson review.
Practice: The students will complete an activity on dealing with workplace
issues and answer questions from the video.
for Understanding: Students’ work samples; response to video questions.
Closure: Questions/Answers review.
Technology: Video on discriminations; TV; VCR.
Interventions: Allow extra time on assignment.
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All answers are in complete sentences.
All answers are clearly stated.
All answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
Some answers are in complete sentences.
Some answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
No answers are in complete sentences.
No answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
The students
will obtain a maximum score of 3 on the lesson review questions and the worksheet. The teacher will re-teach for scores that
are below 3.
Lesson Plan
Code 11C22 Content Standard E. Working with Others
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, & 6
Education Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Education Competencies Vocational Skills & Writing
To describe harassment; to explain ways of finding help when faced with harassment
in the workplace.
Skills: The teacher will read articles on harassment. The students will define new words, complete
the lesson review, complete an activity sheet, and view a video on harassment. They will also write about harassment.
Procedure: The teacher will introduce the objectives. The students will write about experiences when
they were verbally or sexually harassed.
Sets: The teacher will allow the students to share previous knowledge of the
term harassment and write about their experiences with harassment.
Modeling: The teacher will read articles on harassment and demonstrate a situation where someone
is being harassed. A video on harassment will be shown.
Practice: The students will complete the lesson review with the teacher.
Practice: The students will complete an activity pertaining to harassment and
view a video on harassment. They will write about experiences where they were harassed.
for Understanding: Work samples.
Closure: Shared experiences.
Technology: Video on harassment; TV; VCR.
Intervention: One on one instruction as needed.
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All answers are in complete sentences.
All answers are clearly stated.
All answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
Some answers are in complete sentences.
Some answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
No answers are in complete sentences.
No answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
The students
will obtain a maximum score of 3 on the lesson review questions and the worksheet. The teacher will re-teach for scores that
are below 3.
Lesson Plan
Code 11C14 Content Standard D. Setting and Achieving Goals
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, & 6
Education Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Education Competencies Vocational Skills & Writing
Objective: To identify traits of realistic career goals.
The students will read about setting career goals, define terms, and answer
questions from a video on setting realistic career goals.
Procedure: The teacher will introduce the objectives. The students allow the students to write down
the first couple of words they think of when they hear the words job and career. The teacher will explain how the two terms
Sets: The students will read about setting career goals. The teacher will give
Modeling: The teacher will list several realistic goals for herself on the board and then allow time
for the students to list realistic goals for themselves.
Practice: Students will get into groups and complete the lesson review questions
with the assistance of the teacher.
Practice: The students will complete an activity sheet about careers and will
answer questions from the video.
for understanding: Check students’ work samples.
Closure: Students will share their responses from the film.
Technology: Video on setting realistic career goals; TV; VCR
Intervention: Extra time for completion of assignments will be allotted for slower learners.
Evaluations: Short quiz.
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All questions are answered.
All answers are in complete sentences.
All answers are clearly stated.
All answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
Some answers are in complete sentences.
Some answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
No answers are in complete sentences.
No answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
The students
will obtain a maximum score of 3 on the lesson review questions and the worksheet. The teacher will re-teach for scores that
are below 3.
Lesson Plan
Code 11C14 Content Standard D. Setting and Achieving Goals
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, & 10
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
Education Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Education Competencies Vocational Skills & Writing
Objective: To describe how to create a career plan.
Skills: Students will read about how to make a career plan and view a video on career planning.
They will practice note-taking skills, complete activity sheet, and complete lesson review questions.
Procedures: The students will read about how to create a career plan and practice making their own
career plans. They will then view a video on career planning and answer questions pertaining to the video.
Set: The teacher will introduce the lesson objective and students will read
about how to make a career plan.
Modeling: The teacher will provide examples and demonstrations of making a career plan.
Practice: The teacher will elicit a discussion on career plans and the students
will view a video on career planning.
Practice: Students will complete the activity sheets independently in class
and answer questions from the film.
for Understanding: Observations; oral responses.
Closure: The students will share what they learned.
Video on career planning; TV; VCR
Interventions: More assistance where needed.
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All answers are in complete sentences.
All answers are clearly stated.
All answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
Some answers are in complete sentences.
Some answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
No answers are in complete sentences.
No answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
The students
will obtain a maximum score of 3 on the lesson review questions and the worksheet. The teacher will re-teach for scores that
are below 3.
Lesson Plan
Code 11C24 Content Standard B. Acceptable Work Performance
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, & 8
Standards 1, 2, 3, & 4
Education Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Education Competencies Vocational Skills & Writing
Objective: To define performance assessment; to describe how a performance assessment can help one
become a better worker.
Skills: The students will define new terms, complete an activity sheet, and complete the lesson
review questions. The teacher will discuss different types of assessments.
Procedures: The teacher will write performance assessment on the board and allow the students to name
several tests that they have taken. The teacher will explain that assessments are tests that seek to identify a skill of knowledge
of a topic.
Set: The students will read about how to request performance assessments.
Modeling: The teacher will initiate discussion on performance assessments then allow students to
discuss the components on a performance assessment.
Practice: The students will create a performance assessment with assistance
from the teacher. They will become familiar with terms on the performance assessment checklist by looking up meanings.
Practice: Students will use electronic dictionaries to define new vocabulary
words. They will complete the lesson review questions and an activity sheets pertaining to performance assessments.
for Understanding: The students will give oral feedback.
Closure: Summary of the lesson.
Technology: Electronic dictionaries.
Interventions: Allow more practice where needed.
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All questions are answered.
All answers are in complete sentences.
All answers are clearly stated.
All answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
Some answers are in complete sentences.
Some answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
No answers are in complete sentences.
No answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
The students
will obtain a maximum score of 3 on the lesson review questions and the worksheet. The teacher will re-teach for scores that
are below 3.
Lesson Plan
Code 11C22 Content Standard F. Meeting Demands for Quality Work
Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, & 10
Standards 1, 2, 3, & 4
Education Standards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11
Education Competencies Vocational Skills & Writing
Objective: To recognize the need to continuously update your skills.
Skills: The students will complete lesson review questions, complete an activity sheet, and read
passages from the textbook. They will also define new vocabulary words.
Set: The teacher will introduce the objectives. The students will define new
The teacher will ask questions and cue the students in finding the answers
for the lesson review questions. The students will observe techniques in searching for answers from the textbook.
Practice: The teacher will read aloud with the students the importance of updating
your skills.
Practice: The students will define new words using electronic dictionaries,
complete the lesson review, and complete an activity sheet on requesting additional training.
for Understanding: Observations; students’ work samples.
Closure: Students will explain what they learned.
Technology: Electronic dictionaries for new terms.
Interventions: One on one instruction.
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All questions are answered.
All answers are in complete sentences.
All answers are clearly stated.
All answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
Some answers are in complete sentences.
Some answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
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Some questions are answered.
No answers are in complete sentences.
No answers are clearly stated.
Some answers are accurate. |
The students
will obtain a maximum score of 3 on the lesson review questions and the worksheet. The teacher will re-teach for scores that
are below 3.