March Logs
March 3, 2008
My supervising teacher provided me with a Mississippi Statewide Assessment Accommodations Tracking Form today and explained
it in detail. This form is for students with disabilities who will be participating in the state test later on in the month.
This form listed over eighty accommodations for students with disabilities. Theses accommodations were to be used in each
class that the student will be taking the test.
Among these accommodations were the following: the student will be allowed to take the test in a familiar room, at
the front of the room, with scheduled rest breaks, with additional time, with memory aids, over several sessions, and with
the directions read to them.
This sheet was very beneficial to me because it helped me get familiar
with the specific accommodations that teachers were to provide for students with disabilities while testing.
March 4, 2008
We discussed marriages and parenting in class today. To my surprise, several of my students indicated that they would
never get married. Many of them felt that too many marriages end in a divorce, which is true. Our textbook indicated that
over 50% of marriages fail, resulting in a divorce. I guess these high statistics scared some of my students a little. I explained
to them that if people get married for healthy reasons (based on love), instead of unhealthy reasons (getting married because
of an unexpected pregnancy), then the marriage will be more likely to last. Many of the students agreed.
Also today, I made a few parent contacts. This particular school requires that each teacher makes at least five parent
contacts per week. Teachers are to also keep a Parent Contact Log, indicating the student’s name, date, parent/person
contacted, and any comments. I contacted one particular parent concerning why her son was not dressing for physical education
class. She was very grateful for the call and assured me that she would get him a pair of shorts so that he could participate
in class. I was glad that she was so cooperative.
March 5, 2008
Today I attended an extended school year (ESY) workshop. The first thing that I learned was facts about what extended
school year. I learned that ESY is a program where all children with disabilities must be considered and that it is school
during the summer months for students who need special education and related services. I also learned that ESY helps students
keep or gain skills from his or her school program. I was informed that requesting a student for ESY is a decision made by
the IEP committee, not one individual.
In addition, I learned of the procedures for requesting a student for ESY. First, a Notice of Committee Meeting Form
must be sent to the parent or guardian regarding ESY for their child. It must be filled out in its entirety, including a signature
from the parent. Next, the teacher must fill out an ESY Determination Checklist to make a determination for ESY services.
The teacher must then complete a Regression-Recoupment Tracking Form, a Determination of Critical Skills Form, and one of
the following forms, based on the unique needs of the student: a Critical Point of Instruction Tracking Form #1, a Critical
Point of Instruction Tracking Form #2, or an Extenuating Circumstances Tracking Form. Then, the student’s IEP needs
to be completed under the section, Extended School Year Services. Based on all this information, a Referral Form for ESY and
an ESY Recommendation Form should be completed.
I learned a great deal in this professional workshop on today. I am so
privileged to be able to have this kind of training and experience. Student teaching is a wonderful opportunity to receive
hands-on training and experience in the classroom.
March 6, 2008
Today I completed a Data Inquiry Sheet pertaining to the most current assessment that was administered to my students.
This sheet contained the test objectives and the challenges with the data, such as any specific skills that the students seemed
to be struggling with. It also included a proposed action where the teacher had to list steps that will be taken for students
that fail to master the objectives and what instructional strategies that will be used to improve student performances. This
sheet showed the “good news,” or what the teacher was especially proud of in teaching the unit and also the target
The very last section of the sheet listed the different class periods and the percentages of students who scored 100-90%,
89-80%, 79-70%, and 69% and below. The last step in this process was to list the next steps, or what will be done between
now and the next meeting for discussion of this data.
In completing this sheet, I got practice in calculating data and finding percentages of students’ grades.
March 7, 2008
I wasn’t feeling too well today. I couldn’t breathe which made the day extremely difficult to endure. However,
I acted as an inclusion teacher today when I went into the general education classroom and assisted a student who was in exceptional
education, along with those who needed the assistance. We worked on a five paragraph essay. After about twenty minutes of
vigorous writing, the exceptional education student submitted her essay online and waited patiently for her results. A few
moments passed and her results came up on the screen. For the first time, she had received a passing grade on her essay. She
was overwhelmed with joy. I felt so proud for her, especially because I work with this student often and I know how hard she
This particular student has been failing her general education English course. I attended a meeting for her and the
decision was made to place her in the exceptional education English class, but still, that hasn’t been successful. Hopefully,
her general education teacher will continue to provide the accommodations necessary for her to succeed while she is in her
March 10, 2008
Today was the first day of testing for the students. Most of the students were focused and took the test very seriously.
In fact, one student raced through her test so quickly that I had to advise her to check over her work and go back over the
test at a slower pace. As I glanced at her work, I was delighted to see most of her answers answered correctly. That always
puts a smile on a teacher, or pre-service teacher’s face.
After my first couple of classes, I was excused to attend an interview
with NCATE. In the interview, my colleagues and I were asked a number of questions. The interviewer asked us why we wanted
to be educators and even how we incorporated technology into our lesson plans. They also asked what the requirements were
prior to student teaching.
March 11, 2008
Surprisingly, I encountered a problem with one of my better behaved students today. I simply told her to turn around
in her seat the proper way and she became extremely angry. Because I knew that she was usually a well behaved student, I didn’t
get too upset. I just calmly told her to turn around again and continued my lesson. Eventually, she turned around. Later,
I spoke with her and she told me that she was just having a bad day and she apologized. I accepted her apology because everyone
has bad days.
During my planning period, I was informed of the new process for IEP
reevaluations. The first step is to obtain permission from the parents by sending a Parent Permission for Reevaluation Form.
Next, the teacher would have to contact the school’s psychometrist and schedule the reevaluation meeting. After that,
a Written Prior Notice has to be completed. Lastly, the teacher will need a copy of the student’s current IEP.
I am learning so very much about not only teaching, but about the several
forms and documents that has to be completed by the exceptional education teachers.
March 12, 2008
Today the majority of the students understood the lesson. However, a couple
of students were having difficulties. I soon realized that their difficulties were a result of their behavior. They constantly
played and talked, which caused them to miss the directions that were given, along with an explanation of the assignment.
So I gave them a warning. Then, I moved their seats. I placed one on the left side of the classroom
and the other on the right side of the classroom. Soon, the classroom was quiet and every student was on-task. I thought to
myself, “Mission accomplished!”
In addition, I became familiar with an Interim Evaluation Form. This form included the parent/guardian’s name
and the student’s personal information. It also included a list of areas where the student could be commended, and a
list of areas where the student needed improvement. At the bottom was a section where the teacher could make comments and
remarks about the student.
March 13, 2008
Today, one student who was diagnosed as edgicable mentally retarded (EMR) had a difficult time. He became intimidated
and frustrated by the lesson, which led to tears running down his check. So I took him outside of the classroom for a moment
to speak with him concerning the issue. I explained the directions to him and even tied the lesson in to something he enjoyed
and was familiar with-computers. By then, he felt much more confident in his ability to perform the given task.
Later, I learned how to make a schedule change for one of my students. The process was quite simple. All I had to do
was list the student’s current period, class, teacher and room number on a Schedule Change Request Form. Then, I wrote
the class that was going to be changed and the reason of the change. Then, I typed it all in on the computer and sent the
results to the counselor. Lastly, I printed out the schedule and made a copy for the student.
March 14, 2008
Today, I studied a form entitled, Intervention Strategies for Failures. This form was designed specifically for those
students who were failing. It included the teacher’s name, the date, the student’s name, the subject, the learning
problem, an intervention strategy, and comments.
There were several intervention strategies located on the bottom of the form. They included the following: discuss
the problem with the student, clarify the rules, change the student’s seating, use peer tutoring, adapt assignments,
use a student contract, assign detention, telephone a guardian, provide a daily or weekly progress report, refer student to
principal, re-teach the student, and tutor the student.
March 17-21, 2008
(No School due to Spring Break)
March 24, 2008
(No School due to the Easter Holiday)
March 25, 2008
I attended a meeting this morning. In the morning, I participated in training for the upcoming English II Writing Assessment. I learned that two individuals (an administrator
and a proctor) must be in the room at all times during testing. I also learned that before the test, the test administrator
should study the Test Administrator Manual, ensure that the testing room has an adequate supply of #2 pencils, and ensure
that students have scratch paper.
During the test, the test administrator should monitor the test sessions,
distribute all materials to students, and follow district plans for managing students who finish the test early. After the
test, the test administrator should collect the materials, collect the scratch paper, and ensure that answer documents have
been gridded correctly.
After the meeting, I discussed renting apartments and mortgaging homes
with my students. Many of them seemed interested in having their own apartments. They paid close attention to the lesson and
asked several questions.
March 26,
In our lesson on different housing options, we discussed apartments, houses, townhouses, condominiums,
and dormitories. Every student was actively engaged in the lesson. A few seniors, who were closely approaching the age of
18, were the most focused. They explained to me that the information in this chapter was especially beneficial for them. However,
I made sure that every student, including the ninth graders, had a thorough understanding of the lesson.
We also discussed how to find apartments for
rent. The students were so excited that everyone yelled out the answers, “Look in the classified ads! Look in the phonebook!
Ask someone! Look for advertisements on bulletins!” I commended everyone and explained to them that although everyone
was correct, they needed to raise their hands and wait to be called upon before providing an answer.
Overall, the day was very exciting. Every class
enjoyed the chapter and performed exceptional on their assignments.
March 28,
continued discussing housing options today. The students learned that they could either rent or buy a place to live. They
also learned of the many things to consider when renting an apartment. Students had the opportunity to list things that they
would consider when selecting an apartment. One student said that she would consider the location of the apartment because
she would want an apartment that was close to her job. Another student stated that he would think about the cost of the apartment.
He explained that if he didn’t make enough money to pay for the apartment then he would have to find a cheaper one.
Other students stated that they would consider the security of the apartment, the size, and if it is furnished or unfurnished.
we discussed classified ads more thoroughly. After reading about them, students located and cut out classified ads pertaining
to apartments for rent from the newspaper. Then, they taped them to their papers and explained them. Their challenge was to
explain what each of the abbreviations meant in the ad. For example, the ad may have read that the apartment had 2BR, 2BA,
$350/mo., $100 dep. W/D included. The student would write that the apartment had two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a washer and
a dryer and was $350 a month with a $100 security deposit. The students really enjoyed this activity.